Nosotros - Mayakim

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Maya Land of Mayab
Kim (Kimbilá, place of my origin)

The Beginning

In a world where authenticity and cultural identity are intertwined with contemporary trends, Mayakim celebrates the timeless elegance of guayaberas and the grace of traditional dresses. Each garment is a tribute to our traditions, designed to make you feel proud of your roots while walking in style in modernity.


This beautiful story of the MAYAKIM family began on June 14, 2014 when Samuel Francisco May Pat, retired from the Conciliar Seminary of Yucatan, to undertake the study of a Bachelor's degree in administration.

Since it was already the end of June, all the public school selections had already finished, only the private schools remained. I got a scholarship at the Marist University of Merida with the condition that I pay my semester registration fees and the last year of the degree 100%. Upon accepting, I began to think about how to raise the necessary money, and I got a job as a sacristan at the parish of Our Lady of Fatima, whose parish priest was the now deceased Father Fernando Sacramento Avila. Doing my math, it was going to be impossible. This fact led me to start selling the clothes that my parents and a friend made. Having to pay for university and my desire to continue my studies led me to think of the solution, which was to create a company. On September 21, 2015, we registered with the SAT, thus creating the MAYAKIM brand.

On August 1, 2016, we opened our first branch on 27 Pinos Street in Merida, Yucatan. After 3 years, on March 1, 2020, we moved to 40th Street No. 506 x 27 and 29, where we remain until today. The pandemic accelerated our digitalization process because in the same year we started selling on Mercado Libre and in 2023 we managed to enter Amazon. Currently, Mayakim provides 14 direct jobs plus indirect ones and to provide a better service we are creating our own page.